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31 Number of Results

More chance of football success with UV-C disinfection lighting
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
More chance of football success with UV-C disinfection lighting
PSV Eindhoven chooses Philips UV-C air disinfection lighting to protect the stadium against bacteria and viruses
Show moreWe believe the investment in Philips UV-C disinfection devices confirms the quality and the credibility of our brand - especially in such a difficult situation as the coronavirus pandemic.
Spolem stores
Ozorków, Poland
Spolem stores
UV-C surface and air disinfection to bring additional protection to visitors, personelle and shopper at Spolem Stores in Poland.
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Philips UV-C solutions used at DM shops
Bratislava, Slovakia
Philips UV-C solutions used at DM shops
Philips UV-C disinfection devices are installed in 20 dm shops in Slovakia to contribute to the protection of customer and employee health.
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Vauban Clinic
Livry-Gargan, France
Vauban Clinic
UV-C surface and air disinfection to bring additional protection to visitors, staff and clients at Vauban Clinic.
Show moreThe disinfection of the air in highly frequented environments is becoming more relevant. We are proud, through our UV-C technology, to provide a sense of security for Hotel Arizona's guests.
Arizona Hotel in Lignano
Lignano Sabbiadoro, Italy
Arizona Hotel in Lignano
The Hotel Arizona has chosen Philips UV-C's innovative technology to ensure safety and disinfection for its guests.
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Award-winning Trattoria Arlati
Milano, Italy
Award-winning Trattoria Arlati
The restaurant "Premiata Trattoria Arlati" in Milan has chosen Philips UV-C technology to guarantee the air disinfection of its environments
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Moza's coffee chain
Moza's coffee chain
Moza's coffee chain in Vietnam choses Philips UV-C disinfection lighting as the ideal solution to provide additional safety and protection from COVID-19.
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Chelsea F.C.
London, UK
Chelsea F.C.
The installed LED pitch lighting meets the new stringent broadcast criteria of the English Premier League.
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Harlequins and UV-C disinfection
Twickenham, UK
Harlequins and UV-C disinfection
Learn how Philips UV-C upper air luminaires are helping to keep Harlequins players safe off the pitch.
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Protecting Motherwell FC football players with UV-C lighting
Motherwell FC, Scotland
Protecting Motherwell FC football players with UV-C lighting
Learn how Philips UV-C disinfection lighting is providing additonal protection for football players at Motherwell FC.
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Pila, Poland
42% energy savings and better working conditions for the employees with the modernization to Pacific LED.
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Pomme D'Api, Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Pomme D'Api, Madrid
Philips UV-C air disinfection gave peace of mind to Pomme D'Api school in Madrid, creating a secure interior environment without disturbing classroom dynamics.
Show moreSignify has managed to deliver a quality, energy efficient lighting solution that meets the requirement of the local professional football league, enhancing the lives of both the sportspersons and residents of the area.
Jurong East Stadium
Jurong East Stadium
Jurong East Stadium from Singapore, Philips Optivision Gen 2 stadium lighting for energy-efficient and professional football league and broadcast standards
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